On Friday April 3rd LAFRA Regional President NW Lauren Wynn (Honolulu Unit #46), National Presient Doris Fri (Mo-Kan Unit #161), and Regional Vice-President NW DyAnne Tryon (Seattle Unit #18) initiated, installed and Instituted Everett LAFRA Unit #170 after being dormant for the last 20 years. In attendance to witness the ceremonies were two of the original members of Unit #170, now members of Unit #18, and various shipmates from Branch #170 and the NW Region.
Everett Branch #170’s President Ron Belz spoke to the attendees about how much that the Auxiliary Members worked together to re-establish the unit after LAFRA PNP Gini Larson challenged them during the 2012 NW Regional Convention in Everett. PRPNW Marion Dent-Hoglund added her thoughts as well.
LAFRA RPNW Wynn initiated the new members, NP Fri than installed the new officers and following afterwards, RVPNW Tryon then instituted the unit to an active status.
The LAFRA membership is limited to spouses, parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, children, stepchildren and grandchildren not less than 16 years of age of members of the Fleet Reserve Association and widows, widowers, parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, children, stepchildren and grandchildren not less than 16 years of age of persons who were members at the time of death or eligible to be members of the Fleet Reserve Association at the time of death. For more information about the LAFRA please visit their website at http://www.la-fra.org