CHAIRMAN: S/M Brent Hundley NATIONAL CHAIR: PRPEC S. D. Martin Whidbey Island Branch #097 270 SE Barrington Dr, Apt A1010 Oak Harbor, WA 98277-5765 (734) 355-8965
The Purpose of the Regional Committee on Veteran Services is:
SR-2(h). Duties of the Regional Committee on Veterans Service. It shall be the duty to oversee the Regional FRA VSO and VAVS programs, providing education and outreach of same to the membership of the Region, including the policies and regulations associated with these programs; to report on the number and activities of Branch FRA accredited VSO representatives and representatives in the VAVS programs; to solicit branches and Shipmates to become involved in departments of Veterans Affairs/services on the state, local or national level, including VA regional offices, medical facilities, state or national veteran cemeteries or veteran homes; and to annually recognize outstanding service by a Shipmate in service to veterans. The Chairman shall make an annual report to the Regional President at the Northwest Regional Convention.