Chairman: S/M Val Moon
Inland Empire Branch #038
2124 E. Nebraska
Spokane, WA 99208-2947
Disaster Relief Fund
A Disaster Relief Fund was established to assist members of the FRA, spouses of deceased members of the FRA, and/or their immediate families who have been stricken by a disaster and are in financial need. The money required to start and continue the fund has been derived entirely from donations. The major sources of donations have been branches, units, shipmates, ladies, and friends of FRA. FRA Standing Rule 9 governs the Fund.
Grants: Initial withdrawal from the Fund is limited to $1,000.00 per family. One additional withdrawal, up to the same amount, may be authorized in the same manner as the first.
Requests for grants should be immediately communicated to the regional chairman, disaster relief and rehabilitation. The regional chairman, disaster relief and rehabilitation is responsible for investigating each request (including a request from a Member-at-Large) for a grant from the Disaster Relief Fund and making an appropriate recommendation to the Regional President who shall forward such request to the National President with a copy to the Finance Officer.
Please encourage your members to make a donation to the fund.